5 Time Management Tips for Teachers

The number one complaint all teachers have is “There just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done.” Time management is a struggle for everyone. While we cannot add more hours to our days, we can use some simple tips, tricks, and hacks to make the most of the time we have. 

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To help you with your everyday routine here are 5 effective time management tips.

1. Start and End with a Purpose

At the end of each day, close your laptop and put one simple sticky note on the desk. On that sticky note, write down the 3 things you will get done the next morning. When you walk into your classroom the following day, you won’t waste any time trying to decide what to do first. Just look at your sticky note and get those 3 things done.

2.  Avoid “loaded” procrastination

According to Pinell, teachers find it more efficient to break up grading materials into small groups that are graded each day than to work on grading the work of the entire class on the same day. Avoid piling on loads of grading assignments, and try to knock out batches at a time. A small pile each day is easier to manage and allows you to properly evaluate the assignment and offer feedback to students. This way you can experience a sense of accomplishment from each completed batch.

3. Make a List

Making a list sounds so basic, but you’d be surprised how many teachers don’t use their to-do lists effectively. At the start of each week, grab your to-do list and jot down everything you need to get done before you leave on Friday. Your to-do list will act as your “master list” for the week. If something else comes up, add it to your list.

4. Strategically plan homework assignments

Both teachers and students may find that assignments that require repetitive practice are better suited for the home environment. Although in-class practice helps when framing and structuring problems, repetitive practice during class may not be the best use of time. Assignments that simply ask students to complete a set number of problems for practice unnecessarily consume valuable class time.

5. Use a Planner

“Using a planner saved me for years! I didn’t think I needed a planner, but once I had one, it saved my “teacher life” – says Kristen, a former teacher and homeschooling mother.

Your planner can keep all of your important papers together, including lesson plans. If you ever have to rush off to a meeting, just grab your planner and all of the needed information will be at your disposal.

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